It’s been said “lent is a time of giving something up”. Some folks decided to “give up” steak, chicken or coffee; Some have given up McDonalds, Facebook or Netflix. Some have given up cell phones, Facebook, or texting. Some have given up the ‘snooze’ button, or even control of the TV remote! READ MORE
Those with significant memory loss may have a condition often referred to as dementia. Dementia is not a disease but a group of symptoms that include memory loss, confusion, and loss or decrease in cognitive… READ MORE
There is a lot of misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccines. Cassia joins Minnesota Association of Geriatrics Inspired Clinicians (MAGIC) in providing you with science based information, so you can make an informed decision for you and your family. Watch this series of one-minute videos that answer questions about the vaccine. READ MORE
Cassia began administering coronavirus vaccines to residents and staff in December 2020 through our own A&E Pharmacy. In March, we completed the third round of clinics at our skilled nursing and independent/assisted living locations. To… READ MORE
Face of Caring – March 2021 At Lakeside Generations in Dassel, Minnesota, staff praise Social Worker Miranda Melberg for her compassion and caring. During the past year, she did a stellar job at last minute… READ MORE